Computational Complexity - Spring Semester (2010-11)

Time: MWF 11:00-12:30
Location: A-212 @ TIFR

Course Announcement

Course Calendar (Subcribe to the calendar (ical format))

Problem Sets and Exams

  1. Problem Set 1 [ pdf ] [Out: 14 January, 2011; Due: 28 January, 2011]
  2. Problem Set 2 [ pdf ] [Out: 2 February, 2011; Due: 16 February, 2011]
  3. Problem Set 3 [ pdf ] [Out: 16 February, 2011; Due: 28 February, 2011]
  4. Mid-semester Exam [ pdf ] [Out: 9 March, 2011; Due: 11 March, 2011, 18:00]
  5. Problem Set 4 [ pdf ] [Out: 11 March, 2011; Due: 28 March, 2011]
  6. Problem Set 5 [ pdf ] [Out: 7 April, 2011; Due: 20 April, 2011]
  7. Problem Set 6 [ pdf ] [Out: 23 April, 2011; Due: 9 May, 2011]

Course Schedule

12 Jan 1. Introduction to computational complexity
Administrivia, Computation, Turing Machine, Universal Turing machine (UTM), the class P, efficient simulation by UTMs.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 1) ]
13 Jan 2. NP and NP completeness
Review of efficient UTM simulation, oblivious UTMs, NP, Karp reductions, NP-completeness.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 2) ]
14 Jan 3. NP Completeness
Cook-Levin Theorem, parsimonious reductions, search vs. decision problems, downward self-reducibility of SAT, coNP
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 2) ]
17-26 Jan No class (Metric Embeddings and inapproximability workshop and Republic Day (26 Jan))
27 Jan 4. Diagonalization (part I)
time hierarchy theorem (deterministic and non-deterministic), limits of diagonalization (Baker-Gil-Solovay theorem).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 3) ]
28 Jan 5. Diagonalization (part II)
limits of diagonalization (Baker-Gill-Solovay theorem), NP-intermediate problems (Ladner's Theorem).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 3) ]
31 Jan No class (Arnab Bhattacharya's talk)
2 Feb 6. Space Complexity (part I)
space as a resouce, configuration graphs, TQBF, PSPACE completeness, PSPACE=NPSPACE.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 4) ]
4 Feb 7. Space Complexity (part II)
Savitch's theorem, logspace reductions, NL-completeness, PATH, NL=coNL (Immerman-Szelepcsyéni Theorem).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 4) ]
7 Feb 8. Alternation and Polynomial hierarchy
Classes ΣP,ΠP, polynomial time hierarchy, alternating space and time.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 5), Sud (Lec. 3) ]
9 Feb 9. Time-space tradeoffs and Boolean circuits
Fortnow's time-space tradeoff theorem, Boolean circuits, P/poly, complexity classes with advice.
Ref : [ AB (Chap. 5,6), Sud (Lec. 5) ]
11 Feb 10. Boolean circuits and probabilistic complexity classes
Karp-Lipton-Sipser Theorem, circuit lower bounds discussion, probabilistic complexity classes (BPP, RP, coRP, ZPP).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 6,7), Tre1 (Lec. 5) ]
16 Feb 11. Probablistic computation
BPP ⊂ P/poly, BPP ⊂ PH, randomized algorithms: primality, polynomial identity, perfect matching.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 7) ]
17 Feb 12. Complexity of counting (part I)
Unique-SAT (Valiant Vazirani), #P, PP, ⊕P, #P-completeness.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 17) ]
18 Feb 13. Complexity of Counting (part II)
Toda's theorem
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 17), For, Sud (Lec. 11) ]
21 Feb 14. Complexity of Counting (part III)
Permanent - #P-complete (Valiant), approximate counting.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 17), Tre1 (Lec. 8) ]
23 Feb 15. Interactive proofs (part I).
Approximate counting (conclude), intro to interactive proofs, graph non-isomorphism, IP[k], AM[k], IP.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 8), Tre1 (Lec. 8) ]
25 Feb 16. Interactive proofs (part II).
Public Coins = Private Coins (Goldwasser-Sipser), Round reduction for AM, GI - NP-complete?
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 8), Vad (Lec. 19) ]
28 Feb 17. Interactive proofs (part III).
AM with perfect completeness, P#P ⊂ IP (Lund-Fortnow-Karloff-Nisan).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 8) ]
2 Mar 18. Interactive proofs (part IV)
IP=PSPACE (Lund-Fortnow-Karloff-Nisan, Shamir), power of the prover in IP.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 8) ]
4 Mar 19. PCPs and hardness of approximation
Extensions of IP - MIP, OiP, PCP; approximability; PCP Theorem - two views (proof checking and inapproximability).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 11), Har (Lec. 4) ]
7 Mar 20. Inapproximability and intro to hardness amplification
Inapproximability of Clique (FGLSS reduction), power of the prover, hardness amplification.
Ref: [ AB (Chaps. 11, 19), Har (Lec. 4) ]
8 Mar Review session for midterm examination
14 Mar 21. Yao's XOR Lemma
Yao's XOR Lemma: sketch of Levin's proof, proof using Impagliazzo's hardcore set lemma.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 19) ]
15 Mar 22. Hardness amplification (part I)
Impagliazzo's hardcore set lemma, Goldreich-Levin algorithm.
Ref: [ AB (Chaps. 9, 19), Tre2 (Lec. 14) ]
18 Mar-6 Apr No class (Dagstuhl and Discrete Harmonic Analysis workshops)
8 Apr 23. Derandomization (part I)
pseudorandom generators (Blum-Micali, Yao), PRGs towards BPP=P.
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 20), Tre1 (Lec. 25) ]
8 Apr 24. Derandomization (part II)
Nisan-Wigderson pseudorandom generator
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 20), Tre1 (Lec. 26) ]
11 Apr 25. Hardness amplification (part II)
worst-case to mildly average-case hard, polynomial reconstruction, primer to coding theory
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 19), Tre1 (Lecs. 9, 10) ]
13 Apr 26. Hardness amplification (part III)
worst-case to mildly average-case hard, coding theory (code concatenation, unique decoding), STV construction
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 19), Tre1 (Lecs. 10, 11) ]
15 Apr 27. Hardness amplification (part IV)
worst-case to mildly strongly-case hard, list-decoding (list-decoding (RS codes), local list-decoding (RM, Hadamard codes)),
Impagliazzo-Wigderson theorem (E ⊄ SIZE(2δ n) ⇒ BPP=P)
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 19), Tre1 (Lecs. 10, 11) ]
15 Apr 28. Derandomization implies circuit lower bounds
Impagliazzo-Kabenets-Wigderon (NEXP ⊂ P/poly ⇔ NEXP=MA ), Kabanets-Impagliazzo (PIT ∈ P ⇒ circuit lower bounds)
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 19) ]
18 Apr 29. Circuit lower bounds (part I): ⊕ ∉ AC0
Circuit classes (NCi, ACi), parity not in AC0 using random restrictions (HÃ¥stad's switching lemma).
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 14), Bea, Tre1 (Lec. 21) ]
20 Apr 30. Circuit lower bounds (part II): ⊕ ∉ AC0
Proof of Switching Lemma
Ref: [ AB (Chap. 14), Bea, Sud (Lec. 8) ]
2 May 31. Circuit lower bounds (part III): ⊕ ∉ AC0
parity not in AC0 using polynomials (Razborov-Smolensky).
Ref: [ (Chap. 14) ]
2 May 32. Concluding lecture
Conclusion, review of topics covered and not covered!


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Prahladh Harsha
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