Time: Mon 11:30-13:00, Wed 14:00-15:30
Location: A201
Instructors :
Course Calendar (Click here to subcribe to the calendar (ical format))
4 Sep | 1. Introduction Administrivia, Introduction to Analysis of Boolean Functions, Overview of course Ref: [O'D1 (Lecture 1)] |
6 Sep | 2. Fourier Expansion and Linearity testing Ref: [Har (Lecture 6, Sec 6.1), O'D2 (Chap 1)] |
11 Sep | 3. Hastad's 3-bit PCPs - Part I Dictator Tests, Label Cover, Hardness of gap-LabelCover, a brief introduction to PCPs Ref: [Har (Lecture 11, Sec 11.1, 11.2 and 11.4)] |
13 Sep | 4. Hastad's 3-bit PCPs - Part II Long code, dictators, Hastad's MAX3LIN2 test Ref: [Har (Lecture 11, Sec 11.3 and 11.5)] |
18 Sep | 5. Voting theory and Social Choice Influence, noise stability, Condorcet's paradox, Arrow's theorem Ref: [O'D2 (Chap 2)] |
20 Sep | 6. Voting theory and spectral concentration Kalai's proof of Arrow's theorem; Spectral concentration and introduction to learning Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 2.5, 3.1, 3.4)] |
25 Sep | 7. Spectral concentration and learning Spectral concentration, relation to noise sensitivity, low-degree learning algorithm, decision trees Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 3.1, 3.2, 3.4)] |
27 Sep | 8. Goldreich-Levin theorem Kushilevitz-Mansour algorithm for Goldreich-Levin, learning with random and membership queries, DNFs Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1)] |
2 Oct | No class; Gandhi Jayanthi |
4 Oct | 9. Learning Decision Trees and DNFs Learning Decision trees, Random restrictions, Switching lemma, Mansour's algorithm for learning DNFs Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 4.3-4.4), O'D1 (Lectures 8,9,10)] |
9 Oct | 10. Learning AC0 functions LMN Theorem: Fourier concentration of AC0 circuits, Introduction to Hardness amplification Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 4.5), O'D1 (Lectures 10,17)] |
11 Oct | 11. Hardness Amplification: Hardcore set lemma Impagliazzo's hardcore set lemma, Yao's XOR Lemma Ref: [O'D1 (Lecture 17), Kop (Lecture 2), vMe (Lecture 14)] |
16 Oct | 12. Hardness Amplification within NP Hardness amplification of balanced functions, expected bias, noise sensitivity of Boolean functions Ref: [vMe (Lectures 14-15), O'D1 (Lecture 18), O'D3] |
18 Oct | 13. Majority, LTFs and PTFs Noise sensitivity of recursive majority; Introduction to LTFs and PTFs, Chow's theorem, Lower bound on level <=1 weight of LTFs, Peres' Theorem Ref: [vMe (Lectures 14-15), O'D1 (Lecture 18), O'D3, HVV, O'D2 (Sec 5.1 and 5.5)] |
23 Oct | 14. Noise Stability of Majority Peres' Theorem, Central limit theorem, Noise stability of Majority, Majority is least stable LTF conjecture, Gotsman-Linial conjecture for PTFs Ref: [ O'D2 (Sec 5.2 and 5.5), O'D1 (Lectures 19-20)] |
25 Oct | 15. Introduction to Hypercontractivity Fourier coefficients of Majority, Hypercontractivity, Bonami's lemma Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 5.3 and 9.1)] |
30 Oct | 16. Hypercontractivity and FKN Theorem Small ball probability of polynomial functions, Friedgut-Kalai-Naor Theorem, (2,4) and (4/3,2) hypercontractivity, small set expansion of noisy hypercube Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 9.1, 9.2, 9.5), O'D1 (Lectures 13)] |
1 Nov | No class |
6 Nov | 17. Small set expansion of noisy hypercube small sets of the hypercube are noise sensitive, noisy hypercube, eigen spectrum of Cayley graphs Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 9.2, 9.5), Tre (Lecture 6)] |
8 Nov | 18. Kahn-Kalai-Linial Theorem Weight-k inequalities, Kahn-Kalai-Linial theorem, Collective coin flipping, Friedgut's theorem Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 9.5-9.6), O'D1 (Lectures 14-15)] |
13 Nov | 19.Fourier on the p-biased hypercube Friedgut's theorem; Fourier analysis on general product domains, p-biased hypercube. Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 9.6, 8.4), Fil (Sec 3)] |
15 Nov | 20. p-biased Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem Russo-Margulis Lemma, EKR Theorem on slice and p-biased hypercube, Hoffman bound, Friedgut's proof of EKR theorem Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 8.4), Fil (Sec 3)] |
16 Nov | 21. (2-ε)-hardness of approximating Vertex
Cover Introduction to Unique Games, UG-hardness of approximating vertex cover Ref: [notes] |
20 Nov | 22. The Hypercontractivity theorem for hypercube Applications of hypercontractivity: tail bounds for polynomials; 2-function version of hypercontractivity, two-point inequality Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 9.3, 9.4, 10.1), O'D1 (Lecture 16)] |
22 Nov | 23. Gaussian Space Introduction to Gaussian space, noise operator, orthonormal of Hermite polynomials, Berry-Esseen theorem Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 11.1, 11.2, 11.5)] |
23 Nov | 24. The Berry-Esseen Theorem Proof of the Berry-Esseen Theorem via the Lindeberg replacement method (aka Hybrid argument) [O'D2 (Sec 11.5), O'D1 (Lecture 21)] |
27 Nov | 25. Invariance Principle Proof of the invariance principle; Approximability of MAXCUT, Goemans-Williamson algorithm Ref: [O'D2 (Sec 11.6), O'D1 (Lecture 22), Har (Lecture 2-3)] |
29 Nov | 26. Majority is Stablest Theorem KKMO reduction: MIS Theorem implies UG-hardness of MAXCUT, Borell's Theorem, Proof of MIS using Borell's Theorem and invariance principle. Ref: [notes, Har (Lecture 12), O'D2 (Sec 11.7), O'D3 (Lecture 20)] |
1 Dec | 27. Roth's Theorem: 3-APs in Z Ref: [notes] |
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Prahladh Harsha |