High Dimensional Expanders 2025
A year long lecture/seminar series on high-dimensional expanders, which will culiminate with a 2-week distinguished lecture series by Prof. Alex Lubotzky in December 2025.
Organizers: Anish Ghosh, , Mahesh Kakde, Mahan Mj
- [22 Jan] Basic Spectral Graph Theory I (): Introduction, Administrivia, Graphs, Adjaceny and Laplacian Matrix, Spectral Theorem
[Notes, YouTube Video, Jupyter notebook (ipnyb)]; Ref: [ Spi (Chap 1-3)]
- [29 Jan] Basic Spectral Graph Theory II (): Eigenspectrum of the Adjacency Matrix and Laplacian, Graph Colouring and Wilf's theorem, Hall's drawing of graphs
[Notes, YouTube Video]; Ref: [ Spi (Chap 3-4)]
Tentative Schedule (for remaining lectures):
The tentative plan is to have series of lectures/seminars on the following topics
- Basics from Graph theory. Expansion, Cheeger inequality ().
- 2025-01-31 (Fri) 14:00-15:30@TIFR:A201: Cayley Graphs, Random Walk Matrix
- 2025-02-03 (Mon) 14:00-15:30@TIFR:A201: Random Walk Matrix, convergence, expander mixing lemma
- 2025-02-06 (Thurs) 14:00-15:30@TIFR:A201: Cheeger's Inequalities
- 2025-02-10 (Mon) 14:00-15:30@TIFR:A201: Cheeger's Inequalities (contd), Expander graphs
- 2025-02-13 (Thurs) 14:00-15:30@TIFR:A201: Expander graphs, Ramanujan graphs
- 2025-02-17 (Mon) 14:00-15:30@TIFR:A201: Expander graphs, zig-zag expanders
- Kazhdan Property T, Relative property T, Margulis's construction of expanders.
- LPS Ramanujan graphs I. Bruhat-Tits trees of p-adic groups, arithmetic lattices, orders in quaternionic algebras.
- LPS II. Ramanujan's conjecture, Deligne, Drinfeld.
- LPS III. From Deligne/Drinfeld to optimal spectral gap.
- High dim. Bruhat Tits buildings of p-adic groups.
- Applications of HDXs towards testable codes, PCPs etc
We list below related courses/lecture-series elsewhere and references.
- [Din22]
- Irit Dinur, a course on High dimensional expanders (HDX), Weizmann Institute, Fall 2022.[YouTube Playlist]
- [DV25]
- Irit Dinur and Thomas Vidick, Winter school on expansion in groups, combinatorics, and complexity, Weizmann Institute, January 5-8, 2025. [YouTube Channel]
- [Ghe23]
- Summer School on High-dimensional Expanders, Ghent University, May 22-26, 2023. [YouTube Playlist]
- [Lub18]
- Alex Lubotzky, High dimensional expanders", Plenary Lecture, ICM, Rio De Janiero 2018. [YouTube Video]
- [Lub23]
- Alex Lubotzky's Fall 2023 Minerva Mini-course, "High Dimensional Expanders and Their Applications in Mathematics and Computer Science", Priceton. [YouTube Playlist]
- [Spi25]
- Dan Spielman. Spectral and Algebraic Graph Theory (draft of book), 2025.
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