Phone: +91 22 2278 2997
Room: A-226
Interests: Online learning theory, Networks, Information theory
Phone: +91 22 2278 2273
Room: A-205
Interests: Cryptography, Complexity theory and Pseudorandomness
Phone: +91 22 2278 2591
Room: A-245
Interests: Computational Complexity, Algorithms and Discrete Mathematics, Algebraic Automata Theory
Associate Professor
Phone: +91 22 2278 2455
Room: A-227
Interests: Manifold learning, Randomized algorithms and Convex geometry
Professor and Dean
Phone: +91 22 2278 2226
Room: A-234
Interests: Graph Algorithms, Computational Complexity
Phone: +91 22 2278 2312
Room: A-223
Interests: Models of Concurrent Interaction
Associate Professor
Phone: +91 22 2278 2985
Room: A-230
Interests: Probability in computer science, statistical mechanics, statistics
Phone: +91 22 2278 2129
Room: A-243
Interests: Computational Complexity, Probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs), Coding Theory, Information theory
Associate Professor
Phone: +91 22 2278 2549
Room: A-225
Interests: Information Theory, Multi-Antenna Communication, Stochastic Geometry, Statistical Learning
Associate Professor
Phone: +91 22 2278 2998
Room: A-232
Interests: Arithmetic complexity, pseudorandomness and derandomization
Phone: +91 22 2278 2769
Room: A-205
Interests: Timed and probabilistic systems, verification and reactive synthesis, formal methods and its intersection with algorithmic game theory
Phone: +91 22 2278 2288
Room: A-235
Interests: Algorithmic game theory, online and approximation algorithms
Associate Professor
Phone: +91 22 2278 2081
Room: A233
Interests: Information Theory, Communication, Signal Processing, Cryptography